Policy Instruments   under taken by the Government of Uganda under Structural adjustment programs (saps)

Policy Instruments   under taken by the Government of Uganda under Structural adjustment programs (saps)

  1. Privatization of public enterprises   aimed at strengthening   the private sector.
  2. Cost sharing in social service delivery.  For example in schools and hospitals
  3. Retrenchment of civil servants   aimed at reducing the size of civil servants
  4. Demobilization of soldiers aimed at reducing government   expenditure
  5. Economic liberalization    aimed at    efficient   resource   allocation   through   liberalization    of the exchange  rate,  interest  rates,  prices  etc. to allow  market  forces  of demand  and supply  to operate
  6. Tax administration reforms   aimed at improving   tax collection   and administration.    This led to the formation of Uganda Revenue Authority in 1987
  7. Infrastructural development policy aimed  at rehabilitating   all high  ways,  feeder  roads,  railways, ferries,  airports,  storage  facilities,  financial  institutions   etc.
  8. Monetary   policy   reforms   aimed at controlling   money supply, encouraging   deposits, developing security   markets,    strengthening    the   supervisory    role   of  the   central   bank,   encouraging     the establishment   of private  financial  institutions   etc.
  9. Export promotion     programs     through   export   diversification,     value   addition   to improve    on quality, periodic devaluation   of the Ugandan shilling etc.
  10. Rationalization of investment laws aimed at encouraging   investments   in the country.  This  led to the formation  of Uganda  Investment   Authority  (VIA)  in1991
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