Problems facing the informal sector in Uganda

Problems facing the informal sector in Uganda

  1. Inadequate capital required for business expansion due to low savings and incomes.
  2. Poor and inadequate infrastructural facilities. This is reflected   in form poor transport network, lack of permanent   premises   for operation   and poor storage   facilities.   This makes it difficult   to carry out effective production   of goods and services.
  3. Low levels of technology. This leads to the production of low output and of poor quality.
  4. Limited entrepreneurship skills. This is due to limited   skilled manpower   needed   for business management   and expansion.
  5. Limited markets for the products. This is due to low aggregate    demand resulting from high levels of poverty in the country.
  6. Limited government support and lack of legal recognition   by government.   This   leads   to constant harassment   by local authorities.   For example city council agencies.
  7. Political instability in some parts of the country.   This   discourages    people   from   setting   up meaningful businesses   due to fear of losing life and property.
  8. Limited access to credit facilities from formal banks arid microfinance institutions. This is due to lack of collateral securities.
  9. Inadequate supply of raw materials required in the production of goods and services.  This  forces some of them to import  hence  increasing  the cost of production.
  10. High risks and uncertainties involved with investments in the informal   sector.  This  is  due  to poor  planning   and  lack  of  proper  business   plans  which   leads  to’ high  failure  rates  of  business enterprises.
  11. 11. Stiff competition from both imported and locally manufactured      This   makes   it difficult to market the products.
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