Procedure of slaughtering an animal

Procedure of slaughtering an animal

a) Before Slaughter

  • The animals should at all times be handled humanly, rested and starved for 24 hours. This allows emptying of the gut and reduces spoilage and contamination of meat.
  • The resting also conserves stored body glycogen. After slaughter, glycogen is converted into lactic acid which has a preserving effect on the meat.
  • Inspection of the animal to check for any disease, deformities, injuries, sex etc. is done at this stage.

b) Stunning

This renders the animals senseless just before slaughter to reduce pain.  Painless killing of animals is human and it is strongly recommended. Stunning can be achieved either by use of a hammer gun or electric shock.

c) Slaughter

The neck of the animal is cut, and it’s allowed to bleed by hoisting it up.  Adequate bleeding is essential to reduce meat spoilage.  Skinning is then followed by evisceration which is the cutting open of the carcass to remove the internal organs.

d) Inspection

This is the postmortem inspection for infection by tuberculosis, cysts etc.

The carcass has to be passed for public consumption. Condemned carcasses are buried / burnt.

e) Grading

The products looked for are fat, degree of marbling, texture of meat and color. A pale color indicates poor quality

Dr. Bbosa Science

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