Reasons/causes of voluntary unemployment are
- People having enough money and other means of self-support that makes reluctant to take up the jobs before the money is finished
- Lazy labour force that deliberately fail to take up jobs
- Over-qualification of labour force where people reject inferior jobs
- Expectation of better paying jobs
- Desire to retire. Labour force may choose to retire in order to get gratuity/pension benefits
- Unemployment benefits. Labour force may fail to take up jobs to get unemployment benefits
- Risky jobs. Labour may refrain from risky jobs such as mining.
- House wives may stay home to attend to domestic chores rather than a paid job
- Low wages/salaries force the labor force not to take up prevailing employment.
- When employment is located in unfavorable geographical location such as rural area.
- Early retirement from active work before the retirement age in order to get retirement benefits.
TAGS Dr. Bbosa Science