Reasons for the decline of cotton production in Uganda

Reasons for the decline of cotton production in Uganda

Reasons for the decline of cotton production are classified into physical, social nd economic.

Physicisal factors are

  • Climatic change such as excessive rain, hailstone and droughts
  • Decline in soil fertility due monoculture in areas like Kumi, Gulu, etc.
  • Incidences of pests and diseases such as cotton ball weevil, cotton boll worm, cotton stainers have destroyed cotton fields in Gulu, Kumi, Kamuli etc.
  • Shortage of land in different parts of the country where cotton should be grown.

Others factors for the decline of cotton production are

  • Low prices and market for cotton globally
  • Political instabilities in different parts of the country such Kasese.
  • Lack of capital to invest in cotton productio
  • Poor quality seed
  • Collapse of the spinning mills such as Jinja Internation Textile Corporation (JITCO) reduced the market for cotton
  • Poor transport network in cotton growing areas such as Gulu, Lira, Arua etc.
  • Poor storage facilities
  • Lack of skilled man power in cotton production industry
  • Competition from synthetic fibers
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