Response of endotherms to hot conditions.
Response of endotherms to hot conditions.
- The hairs are lowered: by relaxation of erector pili muscles, so they lie flat against the surface of the skin, less air is trapped between the hairs, insulation is therefore reduced, and heat energy can be lost more readily by conduction, radiation and convection.
- The arterioles leading to the superficial capillaries dilate. As a result, the blood flow to the surface is increased and more heat energy can be lost to the surrounding.
- Sweating or panting occur, and evaporation of water from the moist skin or tongue cools the blood as it flows through the superficial capillaries. As a means of cooling the human body sweating is extremely important. In dogs and cats sweating is substituted with panting.
- The metabolic rate decreases, reducing heat energy generated in the body.
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