Role (Implications) of the private sector in the development process
Positive role (Implications)
- It creates more employment opportunities. This is in form of the production activities and business enterprises established. This increases income for the population.
- It increases efficiency in resource allocation. The major aim of private firms is profit maximization. Therefore, they employ efficient techniques of production which leads to the production of more goods and services hence economic growth and development.
- It increases government revenue through taxation. A strong private sector helps to widen the tax base in form of employment and business activities set up hence generating more tax revenue to the government. The revenue realized is used to construct social and economic infrastructure like hospitals, roads, schools etc.
- It increases capital inflow in the country. The private sector helps to attract foreign investments in the economy especially in high risk ventures Where private local entrepreneurs cannot invest. This increases the level of investment in the country.
- It leads to the development of social and economic infrastructure. The expansion of the private sector promotes the development of the social and economic’ infrastructures in form of roads, schools, hospitals, financial institutions etc.
- It promotes technological development in the country. The private sector facilitates technological progress through innovation, invention and technology transfer due to foreign ownership of some enterprises. This leads to the production of better quality goods and services.
- 7. It facilitates the exploitation and utilization of the idle local resources. This helps to improve on the productive capacities in the economy hence growth and development.
- It reduces the balance of payment problems in the country. This is because the private sector increases the production of goods and services for domestic market. This helps to save the scarce foreign exchange which would be used for import purposes.
- It helps to reduce on corruption and embezzlement of funds which is rampant in the public sector. This promotes accountability in resource allocation in the economy.
- It promotes industrial development. The backward and forward linkages created in the economy promote the establishment of small scale industries which can later be developed into large scale industries.
- It promotes competition in business activities. This leads to the production of better quality goods and services at reduced prices hence better standards of living.
- It increases the GDP of the country. This is because the private sector widens the production and economic activities in the country which increases trade in the economy.
- It leads to the production of a variety of consumer commodities. This widens the choice of consumers hence improving their standards of living through utility maximization.
- It helps to create a class of entrepreneurs in the economy. The private sector provides individuals with the necessary practical skills required to operate modem business enterprises. This promotes managerial capacity building and helps to reduce government expenditure on training costs.
- It leads to political stability in the economy. This is because the private entrepreneurs who have invested a lot of capital in their businesses have to see it that there is security and stability to in the economy to secure their lives and property.
Negative role (implications) of the private sector
- It leads to wasteful competition through duplication of goods and services. This leads to misallocation of resources in the economy.
- It leads to emergence of private monopolies. This increases consumer exploitation as private monopolies restrict output and charge high prices with the aim of maximizing profits.
- It promotes regional income inequalities in economy. This is because most of the production and business are concentrated in urban areas neglecting rural areas
- It leads to profit repatriation. This is due to the dominance of the private sector by Foreign Direct Investment (FDI’s). This leads to low capital formation in the economy.
- The private sector under mines the provision of basic essential goods and services which are nonprofit making. This is because the private individuals aim at venturing in activities in which they maximize profits.
- It limits the foreign exchange earnings of the country. The private sector mainly produces goods and services for domestic consumption. This limits the export potential of the country hence low foreign exchange earnings.
- It leads to technological unemployment. This is due to increased use of capital intensive techniques mainly by the foreign investors and inefficient firms being pushed out of the production process due to stiff competition.
- It leads to rural -urban migration. This is because most of the business activities are concentrated in urban centers due to poor infrastructures in rural areas. This leads to congestion and increased cost of living in urban areas.
- It leads to low rate of economic growth and development. This is because the private sector has limited capital for expansion especially the private local investors who lack collateral security to acquire loans from financial institutions. This leads to underutilization of resources in the economy.
- It increases economic dependence of the economy. This is true in case most of the private investments are owned by foreigners. This increases foreign dominance and control of the economy through foreign direct investments
- It leads to divergence between private and society interests. This is because private individuals may maximize profits at the expense of the society in terms of negative externalities like environmental pollution and over exploitation of natural resources. This leads to failure of the economy to be self-sustaining in the long-run.
- Some key areas like production of fire arms cannot be left in the hands of private individuals. This is because it may cause insecurity in the country.
13. It makes planning by the government difficult. This is because it makes it difficult for the government to coordinate and carry out proper planning for a large private sector.
TAGS Dr. Bbosa Science