Selection of eggs for hatching/incubation

Selection of eggs for hatching/incubation

  1. Eggs selected should be fertilized therefore to ensure this a hen should stay with a cock for at least a week before laying at a ratio of 1 cock -12 hens.
  2. Eggs of uniform size and shape should be selected for uniform distribution of heat during incubation.
  3. Ensure that you select clean eggs.
  4. Ensure that eggs selected have thick shells with no cracks to prevent breakage during turning and attack by microbes.
  5. Eggs with abnormalities like meat and blood spots should not be selected.
  6. Hands handling those eggs should be clean to avoid transmission of diseases.
  7. Eggs should be from healthy birds [i.e. not from infected birds with coccidiosis, bacillary white diarrhea] which can easily be transmitted.

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Dr. Bbosa Science

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