Sexing of chicks and methods of sexing chicks

Sexing of chicks and methods of sexing chicks

Sexing is the grouping of chicks according to their sex.

Methods of sexing

  1. Vent method

This is based on observation of the vent where the male chicks have three protuberances (round part that sticks out) from the vent while the female have only two.

  1. Chick – sexing machine.

The machine uses magnifying lenses to see through the vent of the chicks in order to determine their sex by observing the internal reproduction systems.


  1. Auto-sexing method.

This takes advantage of the sex linked genes that depict the external traits of the offspring according to sex. E.g. the cross between a light Sussex hen [white] and a brown Rhode Island cock will produce brown females and white males in F1 generation.

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Dr. Bbosa Science

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