Small ruminant production in Uganda

Small ruminant production in Uganda

Small ruminants are kept for milk, meat and skins. The main animals here are sheep and goats

Systems of small ruminant production in Uganda

In Uganda, there are two main systems i.e. tethering and open grazing though zero grazing is also being practiced in the breeding stock.


Here, sheep or goats are tethered using ropes of about 3m long that allows grazing in a limited area.

The animals can be given green supplements on top of tethering.

Open Grazing

The small ruminants are allowed to graze freely in uncultivated land or a garden with crop residues.  This system is common in arid and semi-arid areas with low human population.

 Breeds of goats in Uganda

  1. Small East African Goats:

This is the largest breed in Uganda making up to 42% of the total goat population.


  1. they are small in size
  2. they mature early reaching a live weight of about  23 – 30kg
  • they reach sexual maturity at about 4 months
  1. they have a fine hair  coat  with various  color
  2. Most of them are horned and they are mainly kept for meat.


  1. Mubende Goat

This is found in areas of North and North West of Lake Victoria.


  1. It is a larger breed than the small East African goat.
  2. The mature live weight  ranges between 30 – 35 kg for males  and 25 – 30kg  for the females
  • It has straight and short hairs
  1. it is predominantly black in color though black and white are other color.
  2. It has a long neck
  3. The body conformation of the female is angular


  1. Kigezi goats

                This is usually found in the highlands of south Western Uganda


  1. it has a thicker hairy coat  than the other two breeds
  2. it has spaced long hair around  the hind quarters
  • It is small, more compact with short legs.
  1. They have black and grey hair coat
  2. At maturity , they can weigh between 25 – 30kg


The main breeds of sheep reared in Uganda are:

  1. Red Masai sheep
  2. East African black head sheep
  • East African long tailed sheep

Advantages of raring small ruminants

  • They require small initial capital so poor people can easily start such a venture without much external financial assistance.
  • Their reproduction turnover is high i.e. they have  short  gestation  period  and frequently  deliver  twins
  • They can be easily managed by family labor i.e. women and children
  • They can be easily kept  in mountainous  and dry areas  where cattle  can’t  do well
  • They can be combined  with beef  cattle  utilizing  the same land  and farm facilities  with less  competition  for food
  • Indigenous breeds of these small ruminants are resistant to the number of diseases which affect cattle including East coast Fever.
  • They have a big genetic  variation  giving  room for improvement  by selection
  • There is ready market for their product more especially meat locally and for export.
  • It is safer to keep small ruminants in areas with cattle rustlers since little interest is accorded to them.
  • They can tolerate contamination of drinking water
  • Can survive in a wide range of environmental temperatures
  • Need limited land for grazing hence good for densely populated areas

 Constraints to small ruminant production in Uganda

  • Lack of sound breeding males and defective breeding  practices
  • Most farmers in Uganda  have poor management skills
  • The animals are attacked  by internal parasites  which are difficult to control
  • The indigenous breeds  are being  threatened  by neglect  in preference for the highly productive  exotic breeds
  • Inadequate extension  services  amongst farmers  limiting information about small ruminants
  • The marketing system in Uganda is still poor where animal prices are determined by their size rather than actual weight.

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Dr. Bbosa Science

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