Sources of business finance

Sources of business finance

  1. From personal savings of individuals
  2. Borrowing from relatives and friends
  3. Borrowing from financial institutions like banks and micro finance institutions
  4. Borrowing from non-bank   financial intermediaries   like the housing finance companies,   insurance companies   etc.
  5. Retained profits that is, profits which are not shared by the shareholders of the company.   They are left in the company to expand the business.                                                                                           .
  6. Through the sale of shares to the public as the case of joint stock companies.
  7. Using debentures by companies in order to raise capital from the public.
  8. Loans from international financial lending institutions for example I.M.F and World Bank.
  9. Through gambling and national lotteries.
  10. Through donations and grants.
  11. Through the sale of government securities to the public for example treasury bills and bonds in case of public enterprises.
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