Steps/measures being taken to solve the energy crisis in Uganda

Steps/measures being taken to solve the energy crisis in Uganda

  • Introducting of energy saving bulbs to combat power shortage
  • Introduction of thermal energy to supplement HEP
  • Importation of gas to reduce dependece on Biomass energy
  • Planting of forests to provide firewood and charcoal in future
  • Exploitation of Uganda petroleum reserves to supplement power and energy e.g. at buliisa
  • Government reduced tax from heavy industrial thermal electricity generators
  • Government has drawn a long term plan of construction of more HEP dams to generate electricity such as Murchison fall power generating company.
  • Liberlization of power and energy industry to attract private investors
  • Reafforestation and afforestation programmes in Mubende and Masaka
  • Fighting power theft and vandalization of power properties
  • Fighting corruption in the power and energy sector
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