Structural/bottleneck inflation meaning and causes
Structural inflation is where the persistent increase in the general price level arises out of supply rigidities in the economy which keep down the level of production.
Causes of structural inflation
- The poor performance of the agricultural sector due to bad weather, pests and diseases, floods etc.
- Break down of the industrial sector for example due to depreciation of the machines. This results into low production and hence high prices.
- Inadequate managerial and entrepreneurial skills which result in low production leading to increased prices.
- Existence of political instabilities which discourage both domestic and foreign investors. This reduces output and hence high prices.
- Speculation by businessmen who create artificial shortages by hoarding goods.
- Infrastructural break down in form of poor roads.
- Scarcity of raw materials due to limited foreign exchange. Producers fail to import scarce raw materials hence low levels of production.
- Political unrest
- Structural breakdown of productive enterprises
TAGS Dr. Bbosa Science