Tag: Dr. Bbosa Science

Adaptations of a respiratory surface.

07/22/2024 0

It must be permeable, so that gases can pass through. It must be thin, because diffusion is only efficient over distances of 1mm or less. ... Read More

Detection of movement and posture of the body by the vestibular apparatus of the ear

07/22/2024 0

The vestibular apparatus The vestibular apparatus responsible for the sense movements in body and maintenance of dynamic equilibrium, consists of three semicircular canals in planes ... Read More

How frequence is detected by the ear/How the ear distinguishes the frequencies of sound

07/22/2024 0

The analysis of sound frequencies by the basilar membrane. The fibres of the basilar membrane become progressively wider and more flexible from the base of ... Read More

The process of hearing

07/22/2024 0

Sound waves impinge on tympanic membrane that vibrate accordingly. The movement of the tympanic membrane are transmitted by the three ossicles to the oval window ... Read More

Similarities and differences between human and compound eyes

07/22/2024 0

Similarity both have lenses have light sensitive cells allow eye to collect data that is interpreted by brain to form images Differences Character Human eye ... Read More

What is precision/visual acuity of the eye?

07/22/2024 0

The ability of the eye to distinguish between two distant points as distinct points is called precision/visual acuity. Visual acuity is due to cones.   ... Read More

Why rods are more sensitive to light than cones

07/22/2024 0

Rods are more sensitive to light than cones because their photochemical pigment of rods responds to very low light intensities. Numerous rods make synaptic contact ... Read More

Transduction of light in the retina

07/22/2024 0

(i) Photo-transduction is the process in which light is converted into electric signal in rods and cone cells of the retina. (ii) Both rod and ... Read More

Importance of mutual or lateral inhibition in the eye

07/22/2024 0

Mutual or Lateral inhibition This occurs when the activity of one cell suppresses the activity of a nearby cell or when activation of one cell ... Read More

Differences between rods and cones

07/22/2024 0

Rods Cones Outer segment rod shaped Outer segment cone shaped Rods occur in large number Concentrated in fovea Have low visual acuity Have high visual ... Read More

Adaptation of desert frogs to desert condition

07/21/2024 0

An adaptation is a physical or behavioural change that an animal or plant possesses to help it cope with its environment. Here are some of the ways ... Read More

How mammals living in arid areas overcome the problem of water shortage.

07/21/2024 0

How mammals living in arid areas overcome the problem of water shortage. Note the key words are bolded Camel excretes high uric acid content to reduce ... Read More

Role of Kidney in pH control

07/21/2024 0

Proteins, hydrogen carbonate and phosphate buffers in blood prevent excess hydrogen ions (H+), produced by metabolic activities from decreasing the pH of blood. Carbon dioxide ... Read More

Isolation mechanisms in evolution

07/21/2024 0

An isolating mechanism is a mean of producing and maintaining isolation within a population. This can be brought about by mechanisms acting before or after ... Read More

How migration affects genotype frequencies

07/21/2024 0

Introduces more copies of genes in the population increasing the proportion of certain gene the population Introduces new genes in the population that have risen ... Read More

Heterozygotes as a reservoir of genetic variation (the Hardy-Weinberg principle)

07/21/2024 0

For a particular character in a population, the dominant form expresses itself more often that a recessive form, for example normal skin color is more ... Read More

Gene flow-meaning

07/21/2024 0

It’s the movement of alleles from one population to another as a result of interbreeding between members of the two population. Please find free downloadable ... Read More

Genetic load-meaning

07/21/2024 0

This is the existence within a population of disadvantageous alleles in heterozygous genotype e.g. sickle cell trait in region where malaria is endemic. Please find ... Read More

Genetic drift-meaning

07/21/2024 0

This refers to the fact that variation in gene frequencies with populations can occur by chance rather than by natural selection. E.g., chance events such ... Read More

Genotype frequency-meaning

07/21/2024 0

This is the fraction of organisms in a population carrying a particular genotype. The frequency of dominants and recessive allele in a population will remain ... Read More

Allele frequency

07/21/2024 0

This the fraction of organisms in a population carrying a particular allele. Please find free downloadable notes, exams and marking guides of agriculture, biology, and ... Read More

Gene pool-meaning

07/21/2024 0

A gene pool is the stock of different genes in an interbreeding population Please find free downloadable notes, exams and marking guides of agriculture, biology, ... Read More

Current Examples of direction selection in ecology

07/21/2024 0

The gradual increase in size of a modern horse with change in environment from forest-like condition to grass land conditions. Industrial melanism; the gradual increase ... Read More

Importance of natural selection

07/21/2024 0

- organisms that are best adapted to a particular environment are allowed to survive and reproduce - population size of a given environment is regulated ... Read More

Types of variations in organisms

07/21/2024 0

Variation. The term variation describes the differences in characteristics shown by organism belonging to the same natural population or species.   Types of variation Continuous ... Read More

The categories of enzymes 

07/21/2024 0

The categories of enzymes are Oxidoreductase; are involved in biological oxidation and reduction reaction. They include dehydrogenase which catalyze removal of hydrogen atoms from a ... Read More

Difference between enzyme and catalysts.

07/21/2024 0

  Enzymes Catalysts 1. proteins in nature inorganic chemicals e.g. Pt 2. catalyze specific reactions Such as hydrolysis of starch   may catalyze more than ... Read More

Parasitic adaptations

07/21/2024 0

Parasite show many different adaptations of overcoming these challenges, depending on whether they are ecto-parasites or endo-parasites. Many endoparasites show degeneration, or even total loss ... Read More

Environmental resistance in ecology

07/21/2024 0

The form that the environmental resistance takes depends on the species in question. Here are the main factors that limit population growth lack of food ... Read More

Factors that affect the size of the population

07/21/2024 0

The number of individuals in a population is affected by four factors; birth, deaths, immigration and emigrations. The change in the size of any population ... Read More

Precautions for capture-recapture methods

07/21/2024 0

Organisms mix uniformly within the population. Sufficient time elapsed between capture and recapture to allow uniform mixing. The population is closed, i.e. there is no ... Read More

Factors to be considered to select a method to be used.

07/21/2024 0

Size of the organism e.g. big organisms such elephants are easily counted directly Mode of the organism such as motility; plants and sessile or slow-moving ... Read More

Importance of estimating the population size

07/21/2024 0

To be able to construct food webs and chains, pyramid of numbers, biomass and energy To understand the existing food relationship within a habitat. To ... Read More

Evidences that DNA is the hereditary material

07/21/2024 0

  1.      DNA is a stable molecule The amount of DNA in a given species is constant for all cells. Mutation or changes in the ... Read More

The impulse-meaning

07/21/2024 0

An impulse or action potential is a temporary and local reversal of the resting membrane potential, arising when an axon is stimulated. Please find free ... Read More

Systems responsible for maintenance of the acid-base balance or pH

07/21/2024 0

Several systems maintain constant pH. The list below is made according to order when they act: 1) Chemical buffering systems provides immediate and short-term response ... Read More

Differences between mitochondria and chloroplasts

07/20/2024 0

Chloroplast Mitochondria Structural difference 1.      Contain chlorophyll Does not contain chlorophyll 2.      Inner membrane form grana Inner membrane folded to form cristae 3.      May contain ... Read More

Similarities between mitochondria and chloroplasts

07/20/2024 0

Both have double membrane, circular DNA Inner membrane is folded to increase the surface area Contain ATPase enzyme for ATP synthesis Both occur in plant ... Read More

Adaptations of mitochondria to its function

07/20/2024 0

The inner membrane is folded to form cristae that increase surface area for enzymatic activities. Contains circular DNA to produce the necessary enzymes. Has a ... Read More

The fluid mosaic model of the cell

07/20/2024 0

The cell membrane is about 7nm thick It consists of a continuous phospholipid bilayer in which proteins are scattered in a mosaic manner. Proteins penetrate ... Read More

Advantages of membrane bound organelle

07/20/2024 0

Many metabolic processes involve enzymes embedded in membranes, so the membrane bound organelles increase the surface area for activities like respiration and photosynthesis. Maintain enzymes ... Read More

Differences between active transport and osmosis

07/20/2024 0

Osmosis Active transport Does not require energy Requires energy Transport water Transport sugars, ions and salts Does not require carrier proteins Requires carrier proteins Does ... Read More

Functions of active transport

07/20/2024 0

Absorption of minerals in the stomach Absorption of minerals in ascending loop of Henle Absorption of mineral in the root hair from the soil Entry ... Read More

Evidence for active transport in living organism

07/20/2024 0

It is only found in living system which are continuously producing energy by respiration. Increase in temperature and oxygen concentration increases the rate of active ... Read More

Effects of osmosis on animal cell e.g. Red blood cell

07/20/2024 0

A solution of 0.9% sodium chloride is isotonic with human cells, and if red blood cells are immersed in isotonic solution, they will neither swell ... Read More

Differences between mitosis and meiosis

07/20/2024 0

  Mitosis meiosis 1. Homologous chromosomes remain separate Homologous chromosomes pair up 2 There no crossing over Crossing over occurs 3. No formation of chiasmata ... Read More

Significance of meiosis

07/20/2024 0

Sexual reproduction: Meiosis results in half the number of chromosomes, during fertilization the nuclei of the two gametes fuse to form a zygote restore the ... Read More

Importance of mitosis

07/20/2024 0

Genetic stability: It ensures that the daughter cells carry the exact genetic material as the parent cells Growth: growth results in increase in the number ... Read More

Advantages of migration behaviors-biology

07/20/2024 0

Return to specialist site for breeding that does not need all year round food supply, and often no (or few) predators. Move to where food/prey ... Read More

Disadvantages of group/social behaviours

07/20/2024 0

Competition for food Competition for male and some monopolize female. Intraspecific competition may be a means of regulating population size Reduces individual’s chances of being ... Read More

Importance/Advantages of social behavior

07/20/2024 0

Species in large groups suffer less predators even when the predator is successful; The chance that one is picked is very low. Predators are more ... Read More

Importance of displacement activity

07/20/2024 0

It may be away of releasing stress Please find free downloadable notes, exams and marking guides of agriculture, biology, and chemistry from digitalteachers.co.ug website. Dr. Bbosa Science Read More

Disadvantage of territorial behaviour

07/20/2024 0

Weak animals are denied sex Limit population density and other good qualities are lost Promote spreading of diseases May lead to extinction in case of ... Read More

Functions of courtship behaviour.

07/20/2024 0

Allows the male mate with female when gonads are functional It enables the mates to select opposite sex with the best quality enabling the community ... Read More

Importance of imprinting behavior

07/20/2024 0

It enables the young animal to recognize its own mother from among the other adults of its species. In early childhood, human become imprinted on ... Read More

Importance of learning

07/20/2024 0

Important for socialization process, as children learn how to behave and respond to others by observing how their parents and other caregivers interact with each ... Read More

Importance of habituation

07/20/2024 0

Enables a young animal to understand neutral elements in the environment such as movements due to wind. It enables an animal to save energy by ... Read More

Ecological importance of taxis

07/20/2024 0

Helps an organism to find food Enables an organism to avoid unfavorable environment. Enable organism to find mates Please find free downloadable notes, exams and ... Read More

Ecological importance of kinesis

07/20/2024 0

It increases the chances of finding resources and favorable conditions by sheer luck. Please find free downloadable notes, exams and marking guides of agriculture, biology, ... Read More

Difference between kinesis and taxis

07/20/2024 0

Kinesis is a random (non-directional) movement in response to a stimulus while taxis is a directional movement away or towards a stimuli. Please find free ... Read More