The procedure followed when sampling soil. 

The procedure followed when sampling soil. 

  • Determine the size of land where sampling is to be carried out
  • Obtain the material and equipment needed for sampling such as polythene bags, soil auger and shovel
  • Clean and dry equipment to be used
  • Select the sampling method
  • Identify spots from which samples are to be taken
  • Clear the vegetation around the sampling areas
  • Make a vertical cut into the soil to a depth of 15 -25cm for crop land and 5cm for pasture land
  • Take a slice from the vertical cut made or use a soil auger to scoop out soil.
  • Collect the soil from each sampling point identified into polythene bag and mix to get a representative or composite sample
  • Dry the representative sample under controlled temperatures
  • Put the representative sample into a labeled container showing the date, place/location of sampling
  • Carry the sample to the laboratory.

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