The procedure to be followed when constructing a barbed wire fence

The procedure to be followed when constructing a barbed wire fence

  • Identify the area to be fenced
  • Clear vegetation/bush in the space where the fence line will pass
  • Use a string to make the line straight
  • Use pegs to set the position of the posts in a straight line (4.6m apart)
  • Determine the number of corners and gates since this will give the number of strainers and standard posts required.
  • Set the corner and gate posts
  • Dig holes about 2 feet deep for standard posts and 3 feet deep for strainer just enough to take the size of the post.
  • Fit the posts and struts into the holes
  • Fix struts on the strainer at the corner and gate
  • Pour concrete or mortar and ram
  • Nail struts to the corner and gate posts
  • Stretch and staple the first stand of the barbed wire starting from the lower strand to the second upwards
  • Fix in droppers where necessary
  • Fix gate

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Dr. Bbosa Science

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