The Role (Contribution)/advantages/merits of the Informal sector to Development
Positive roles/contribution/advantages/merits of informal sector
- It creates employment opportunities. This is because most of its activities are labour intensive and are on self-employment basis.
- It provides a variety of locally affordable basic consumer commodities. This widens the choice of consumers, especially the low income earners hence improving their standards of living.
- It reduces foreign exchange out flow. This is because commodities which could be imported are domestically produced and this helps to reduce on balance of payment problems.
- It acts a cheap training ground and development of skills for local entrepreneurs. This promotes managerial capacity building and helps to reduce government expenditure on training costs.
- It facilitates the exploitation and utilization of the idle local resources. This helps to improve on the productive capacities in the economy hence growth and development.
- It promotes the equitable distribution of income. This is because the informal sector requires little capital to set up and therefore, the low income earners can easily be involved in carrying out business activities to earn income.
- It is a source of government revenue through taxation, The government taxes incomes of employees and business activities of those involved in the informal distribution. The revenue realized is used to construct social and economic infrastructure. Like hospitals, roads, etc.
- It promotes commercialization of the economy. The informal sector can later be transformed into a modem monetary sector.
- It promotes mobilization of local savings. This promotes capital accumulation in the economy.
- It promotes technological development in the long run through the use of simple tools. This acts as an avenue for developing and promoting appropriate technology in the economy.
- It facilitates modern industrial development. The backward and forward linkages created between the modem and traditional sectors as well as the agricultural sector promote the establishment of small scale industries which can later be developed into large scale industries.
Negative contributions/disadvantages/demerits
- It encourages duplication of goods and services. This leads to resource wastage through wasteful competition.
- It leads to low government revenue. This is because it is associated with a small tax base and high levels of tax evasion. This makes it difficult for the government to realize the planned revenue required to provide the necessary social services to the people.
- It leads to poor standards of living for the people. This is because it is associated with the production of poor quality products.
- It limits the foreign exchange earnings of the country. This is because it does not encourage production for export purposes.
- It encourages under employment and disguised unemployment. This because the sector mainly operates at excess capacity and on a small scale.
- It leads to congestion in semi-urban areas. This increases the cost of living in such areas.
- It reduces the rate of economic growth and development. This is due to underutilization of resources and use of poor production techniques hence low output.
- It leads to environmental degradation and pollution. This is in form of air and water pollution which leads to negative externalities to society.
- It accelerates rural urban migration. The youths move to towns to engage in petty but short run profitable activities. This leads to regional economic imbalance and poor accommodation facilities in the sub-urban areas.
- It increases the administrative costs by the government especially in terms of prevision of the basic social and economic infrastructure. It also makes it difficult for the government to carry out proper planning due to uncoordinated development
TAGS Dr. Bbosa Science