To what extent is under development in the “third world” a result of external factors?

To what extent is under development in the “third world” a result of external factors?

  • Brain drainage. Foreign economies often attract skilled man power that are highly required in developing countries
  • High prices for petroleum products lead to high foreign exchange expenditure leaving less for development
  • The IMF has a great influence on the development programs of LDCs but with limited funding.
  • Repatriation of interests by foreign investors limits expansion of the economy
  • Liberalization policies encourages dumping to LDCs and suffocates domestic industrial development and overdependence on foreign nations.
  • Slave trade robbed Africa of labour force and this could have contributed to underdevelopment
  • Limited external market due to protectionism
  • Colonial historical exploitation and oppression

However, there are also several internal factors that are responsible for underdevelopment of LDCs

  • Under developed infrastructures such as roads, schools railways, etc.
  • Political instability discourages investment
  • Limited technology
  • Low entrepreneur skills
  • High population growth rates leading to high dependence rate
  • Dependence on low yield agricultural practices
  • Rampant corruption
  • Low innovations
  • Lack of enough domestic market for its produces
  • Low level of industrial development leading to unemployment.
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