Types of capital

Types of capital

  1. Real capital is the physical assets  used  in the  production   of goods  and  services   for example  machines,  buildings,  roads  etc. It is also called fixed capital.
  2. Liquid (money/financial} capital is capital which is in cash form. It is used as a means of payment for capital goods.
  3. Floating (circulating/operating/working) capital is capital used in the day to day running of the business activities for example buying raw materials.
  4. Human capital is the productive qualities found in human beings for example   skills and knowledge.   Such qualities are attained through training and education.
  5. Overhead capital is the social and economic infrastructure or assets which facilitate  in the production   process for example  roads,  banks, insurance   etc.
  6. Public (social) capital is capital owned  by  the  government   on  behalf   of  its  citizens   for example  government  hospitals,   schools,  roads  etc.
  7. Private capital is the type of capital owned by private individuals. It includes private cars, schools, businesses etc.
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