UACE S101 General Paper section A: Corruption in Uganda (causes, effects and solutions)

UACE S101 General Paper section A: Corruption in Uganda (causes, effects and solutions)


Corruption refers to dishonest or fraudulent conduct by those in power in order to acquire illicit benefits or abuse power for one’s personal gain. Corruption may involve many activities such bribery, influence peddling and embezzlement.

Causes of corruption

  1. Payment of low wages or salaries to workers. This forces the worker to solicit or embezzlement public funds so as to survive.
  2. This involves a long process before on could receive a service. Thus, one is forced to look for a short cut to avoid tedious time wasting and inconveniencing procedure. This short cut may involve bribery, smuggling and nepotism among others.
  3. Income inequality. The widening gap between the rich and the poor has made people massively engage in corruption in an attempt to bridge the gap.
  4. Job security. In situation where workers are at risk for being sacked, replaced or demoted due to changes of employment, they may be forced to engage in corruption to accumulate wealth in the shortest time possible for future survival
  5. Irregular payment of workers’ salaries and wages. This makes workers to resort to dubious means of survival for example taking bribes, embezzlement and absenting them from work.
  6. Weak penalties to worker that engage in corruption do not discourage the vice.
  7. Lengthy judicial system. Perpetrators of corruption take advantage of this length judicial process to disguise evidence.
  8. Weak institutional control. Institutions either lack mechanisms for detection and exposure of corruption cases or are disinterested to do so.
  9. Weak anticorruption institution such as police, Inspector General of Government (IGG), Auditor general, Public accounts committee and civil societies. These have low morale, are interfered with or are underfunded.
  10. Greed of money. Some office bearers are just greedy for money even when they are highly paid.
  11. Moral decadence: lack of ethic and integrity on the part of public servants and public attitude towards corruption.
  12. High family dependence for public servants forces the workers to get bribes in order to support big families.
  13. Low press freedom to expose corrupt officials.
  14. Political instability. Many officers take advantage of political instability to embezzle public funds.

Effects of corruption

  • It slows down development because of lack of funds
  • It gives room to unbalanced development widening the gap between the rich and the poor. The corrupt officers get rich quickly while the uncorrupt officers do not.
  • Some development projects such as roads, hospitals, markets, dams are crippled
  • Incompetent people gain employment creating room for inefficiency
  • Donors normally withdraw their assistance
  • It creates conflicts, demonstrations as the public is discontented
  • It kills the spirit of patriotism at all levels but more especially the public servants
  • Poor service delivery to the people. Service such as education, medical, justice are crippled.
  • Increased dependence on foreign aid since domestic revenue is embezzled.
  • Scares honest local and foreign investors because of unfair competition

Other factors hindering development 

  • Western influence (neo-colonialism) where such countries dictate terms
  • Over dependence on agriculture which cannot compete with manufactured good on the world market.
  • Insecurity in some regions e.g. wars in northern Uganda diverted many funds
  • Few and undeveloped resources while many countries are endowed with many natural resources, Uganda is not.
  • Uganda’s education system which promotes more job seekers than creators
  • Uganda’s debt burden cannot allow much development
  • Globalization where Uganda has nothing to export.
  • Over dependence on nature and incases of hazards such as drought or floods, nothing can be achieved.
  • The poor state of our infrastructure especially roads limits access to rural areas.

Steps that have been taken to fight corruption in Uganda

  • Uganda has put in place a leadership code of conduct that lays down the ethical conduct of public servants. Under this code, all public servants are obliged to declare their wealth, assets and liabilities.
  • There has been progressive increment of salaries and wages of public officials.
  • The government has established institutions to fight corruption such as anti-corruption unit, IGG, Public Accounts committee (PAC), Auditor general and so on.
  • Civil society organizations have mobilized and disseminated information against corruption to the public.
  • The press and the media are used to expose acts of corruption in government and private institution
  • Decentralization has reduced the bureaucracy and minimized corruption at the centre.
  • There is gradual improvement of democracy and good governance.
  • Program to eradicate poverty and equal distribution of income and wealth have led to reduction of corruption
  • Bloggers have also helped to expose corrupt officials and intimidate others who would engage in the vice.
  • Promotion of patriotism and nationalism is being used to fight corruption


Past Question

  1. To what extent is corruption a hindrance to Uganda’s development?

(The question requires  a candidate show how corruption hinders development and then other factors)

Mark allocation

Definition 5marks

Sp – upto 5marks

GE- upto 10 marks

Content-(hinderance due to corruption)  any 5 points Each upto 3marks = 15marks

(other factors other than corruption)  any 5 points Each upto 3marks = 15marks

Total = 50marks

Note that when writing a point

  • State the point in full sentence (1mark)
  • Explain/discuss the relevance of the point (1mark)
  • Give a relevant example (1mark)

Total of = 3 marks per point.

  1. Discuss the causes and cosequencies of corruption in Uganda
  2. To what extent has selfishness led to corruption in Uganda
  3. Suggest measures that have been taken to end corruption in your country

Please say something or send your additions/ comments/corrections/suggestions in the comment section. Note that is an academic website that thrives on accuracy of information.

Thank you

Dr. Bbosa Science

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