UACE S101 General Paper section A: Refugee crisis  in Uganda (definiton, causes, effects and solution)UACE S101 General Paper section A: Refugee crisis  in Uganda (definiton, causes, effects and solution)

UACE S101 General Paper section A: Refugee crisis  in Uganda (definiton, causes, effects and solution)UACE S101 General Paper section A: Refugee crisis  in Uganda (definiton, causes, effects and solution)


Refugees’ crisis is a situation of acute humanitarian need, where conflict has created a large number of forcibly displaced persons within a short period of time. Uganda is one country that has experienced this refugee problem migrating from Sudan, Somalia and Congo as a result of economic, political, religious social challenges.

Refugee crisis is caused by tribal violence such as those in eastern DRC, civil war, human rights violations, environment and climate catastrophes such as droughts, and floods, food insecurity, poverty, gender and sexual orientation-related factors, and hunger.

Problems negative impacts of refugee crisis

  1. Outbreak of diseases/ epidemics especially cholera, Ebola
  2. High expenditure by the host country on accommodation, feeding and their upkeep.
  3. A state of lawlessness normally crops up eventually threatening state security.
  4. Loss of community support/Families, cultures, communities are split as many more from their home land without co-ordination.
  5. Sexual abuse to the women and girls through rape and forced marriages.
  6. Conflicts between country of origin and the host country especially if the refugees show intentions of regrouping to go back by force.
  7. In areas where camps have seen set up; the environment has been negatively affected.
  8. Promotion of immorality in society/ community.
  9. Misery and suffering /difficulties finding employment/discrimination.
  10. Corruption and miss appropriation/ embezzlement of funds.
  11. Land conflicts/ land- grabbing.
  12. Lack of access to resources.
  13. Hunger and extreme weather before reaching asylum


Measures to be taken

  1. Promote peace and stability among countries especially around Ugands.
  2. Sensitize the refugee on how to minimize friction amongst themselves masses about refugee problems addressing its evils.
  3. Uganda should seek for aid and relief to overcome the costs associated with such a crisis.
  4. Encourage and invite human rights organization that normally pays special attention to the refuges.
  5. To encourage peace talks between fighting in order to avert the crisis.
  6. The international community should intervene e.g the African union for a collectiveresponsibility
  7. Prevision of better social services e.g. medical, education to avoid misery and suffering
  8. Improve on sanitation
  9. Enforce laws to maintain law and order.
  10. Voluntary repatriation
  11. Refugee integration/resettlement
  12. It is the responsibility of every country to ensure the provision of material assistance, security, health care, education and to provide refugees with all the required social services to help preserve their dignity.
  13. And whether they travel by land or by sea, people fleeing persecution or wars should be allowed to cross borders, with or without travel documents

Relevant question

The refugee crisis is associated with many problems in Uganda. Show these problems and suggest the best measures to be taken.

Mark allocation.

Definition = 05mark

Spellings = 05 mark

General impression 10 marks

Any 5 problem (each 3 marks) = 15 marks

Any 5 measures (each 3 marks) = 15

Total = 50 marks

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Thank you

Dr. Bbosa Science

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