What are arguments for diversification of agriculture in developing countries?
Note: Diversification of agriculture refers to the growing of various crops and rearing of different animals at the same time in a given economy. E.g. rearing of animals like goats, pigs, cows, birds and crops like coffee, maize, beans, etc.
Arguments for diversification of agriculture in developing countries
- It generates more jobs opportunity arising from the growing of different crops and rearing of different animals.
- It increases the level of total output from agriculture sector leading to an increase in the country’s gross national product which promotes economic growth and development
- It brings about a more equitable distribution of income. This is because many people are employed in various agricultural activities where they are able to earn some income.
- It increases foreign exchange from different crops and animals exported
- It increases the availability of raw materials for agro-based industries which promotes industrialization
- It leads to full utilization of resources which in turn lead to increase in revenue as it forms a base for taxation
- Market expansion: agricultural diversification leads to inter-complementarity between industries such as agrochemical and veterinary services
- Reduction in rural-urban migration since agricultural sector is mainly rural
- Balanced regional development because it employs people throughout the country
- Leads to high standards of living since majority of the people are able to earn from agricultural industry.
TAGS Dr. Bbosa Science