What are steps being taken to minimize budget deficits in your country?
(i) increasing tax revenue through the following measures
- Increasing the tax base through industrialization and operation of value added tax (VAT).
- Reducing smuggling by harmonizing tax rates with those of neighbouring countries.
- Increase the tax capacity of tax payers by availing credit.
- Encouraging domestic and foreign investors through tax holidays and provision of infrastructures
- Strengthening revenue authority
- Easing means of payment of tax i.e. through banks and mobile money means.
- Reducing tax exemptions
- Reducing corruptions.
(ii) Reducing government expenditure by.
- Advocating for political stability
- Reducing high administration posts.
- Checking population growth through family planning strategies
- Cost shearing in health and education institutions
- Automation to reduce government staffing
- Fight inflation
- Reducing internal debt by selling less treasury bills.
- Privatize inefficient government enterprises.
- Reducing corruption and embezzlements.
TAGS Dr. Bbosa Science