What are the salient features of monopolistic competition?

What are the salient features of monopolistic competition?

  • Large number of buyers and sellers
  • Free entry and exist of firms
  • Product differentiation or branding
  • There are many suppliers of the different brands
  • No firm has full control over the price
  • Firms deal in close substitutes performing the same purpose e.g. bathing soaps
  • Firms operate at excess capacity in the long run
  • Firms face a downward slopping demand curve which is more elastic that of a monopoly.
  • There is persuasive advertisement
  • There is no government intervention in fixing prices of commodities produced.
  • Lack of Perfect Knowledge
  • Less Mobility
  • More Elastic Demand.
  • Companies compete based on product quality, price, and how the product is marketed.
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