What is frictional unemployment

What is frictional unemployment

Frictional unemployment is a voluntary employment that  occurs when workers are moving from job to job or when new workers entering the workforce .

Cause of frictional unemployment

  • Ignorance of the existing job opportunities due to failure to get in touch with the media or when the jobs are unadvertised.
  • Poor infrastructure which makes it hard for labour to move from one geographical area to another.
  • Labour immobility due to the inadequate skills, which limit the labour force to get new job immediately
  • Over specialization which makes it hard for labour to suit any new carrier job
  • Bureaucracy in getting a job. This delays labour to get a new job immediately.
  • Poor working conditions which force labour to change jobs.
  • Boredom at place of work which makes people change place of work
  • Conflicts/difficulties in place of residence that force people to change place of residence and hence jobs
  • High level of education
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