What steps may be taken to minimize open urban employment.

What steps may be taken to minimize open urban employment.

  • Rural-urban migration should be controlled through rural development, increasing wages for rural workers
  • There is a need for manpower planning so that matches with labour demand.
  • The government should extend credit to potential investor that they create more jobs
  • Education system should provide skills for job creation rather than job seekers. It should be agricultural oriented since Uganda is an agricultural economy.
  • The government should reduce corruption
  • There is a need to adopt appropriate technology that can absorb all unemployed labour in urban area.
  • There should be tight employment policy of foreign personnel to enable local labour force in town to get jobs.
  • The government should encourage urban to rural migration through resettlement schemes.
  • There is need to control population growth rate
  • Support the expansion of the industrial sector by providing tax holidays and reduction of taxes to raw materials.
  • Expanding domestic markets through economic integration.
  • Increasing information about vacant jobs.
  • Rural electrification programs to encourage industries in rural areas.
  • Encouraging NGO that create jobs.
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