Why is it difficult to attain full employment in an economy?

Why is it difficult to attain full employment in an economy?

  • There is inadequate information about where jobs are; where jobs are advertised in newspapers most  unemployed people fail to get this information because they cannot afford the papers
  • Shortage of co-operant factors i.e. there could be availability of one factor ad less or scarcity of the other
  • High population growth rate that does not match with employment creation. This makes proper planning for distribution of jobs very difficult.
  • Rural-urban migration. This leads to urban unemployment creating gaps in rural areas.
  • Seasonal employment where people are employed in one season and not in another such planting, weeding and harvesting in agriculture
  • Immobility of factors of production. For example there exist plenty of land in some areas and lacking in some areas. Labour immobility may be due to family ties.
  • Restriction of entry into certain jobs by trade unions e.g. due to age limit, language and experience
  • Large private sector which tend to use less labour to maximize profit.
  • Limited market for commodities produced which does not encourage expansion of businesses to use up labour.
  • Employment of expatriates in preference to local people
  • Lack necessary skills and education required by the job market
  • Lack of value addition limiting job creation.
  • Lack of value addition limiting job creation.
  • Automation substitute employees
  • Some people who are capable to work choose not to particularly if unemployment benefits are available.
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