With the aid of a diagram, describe the operation of Bainbridge mass spectrometer in the determination of charge to mass ratio. 

With the aid of a diagram, describe the operation of Bainbridge mass spectrometer in the determination of charge to mass ratio. 

With the aid of a diagram, describe the operation of Bainbridge mass spectrometer in the determination of charge to mass ratio.

T1 and T2 are tracers on photographic plate, S1, S2 and S3 are slits

Mode of action

  • Positive ions are produced in a discharge tube and admitted as a beam through slits S1 and S2.
  • The beam then passes between insulated plates P, Q, connected to a battery, which create an electric field of intensity E.
  • A uniform magnetic field B1, perpendicular to E is applied over the region of the plates and all ions, charge e with the same velocity, v given by B1ev =Ee will then pass undeflected through the plates and through a slit S3.
  • The selected ions are deflected in a circular path of radius r by a uniform perpendicular magnetic field B2 and an image is produced on a photographic plate as shown.

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