

This is the system of farming in which farmers that have multiple uses together with crops and/or pasture on the same land

Importance of agroforestry

  • Trees provide shades for animals.
  • Legumes planted fix nitrogen in the soil.
  • Trees area source of fodder to livestock.
  • Some trees provide fruits that if food to man.
  • They are source of firewood
  • Provide materials for construction
  • Leaves decomposed to form humus.

Reasons why there is limited adoption of agroforestry by farmers in Uganda

  • Land fragmentation limits the size of land for agriculture.
  • Inadequate training
  • Lack of permanent land ownership.
  • Inadequate supply of seed/seedling supply
  • Poor infrastructure such as roads to distribute seedlings
  • High costs of seedlings

Types of agroforestry practices commonly carried out by farmers.

  • Agro-Aquaculture where the keeping of aquatic organism like fish in ponds surrounded by shrubs, trees and grass lawns.
  • Agri-silviculture system where cultivated crops are intercropped with trees/shrubs for sustained production of food, fodder and wood.
  • Agri-silvi-pastoral system where there is the integration of trees, crops, pasture and livestock on the same land for production of fodder, wood and pasture.
  • Entomoforestry where the rearing of useful insects in association with trees, such as bee keeping (apiculture) and silkworm rearing (sericulture)
  • Silvo-pastoral system where trees are planted with pasture to provide shade and forage for animals.

Characteristics of agroforestry

  • They are quick maturing/grow fast
  • They are deep rooted with few extensive lateral roots/have deep root system
  • They have a narrow /less dense canopy
  • They should grow straight with few or no branches
  • They are easy to establish and quick to eradicate
  • They withstand repeated pruning/are able to sprout easily and quickly grow
  • They are nutritious and palatable to livestock/non-toxic
  • They are resistant to pest and diseases
  • They support growth of crops; some possess nitrogen fixing bacteria.

Please obtain free downloadable notes, exams and marking guides of Agriculture, biology, chemistry etc. from website. 0778 633 682

Dr. Bbosa Science

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