Explain the relationship between the Malthusian theory of population and the concept of optimum population
- The Malthusian population theory predicts the trend of population growth over a time period while the concept of optimum population is applicable at a given period of time.
- For different period of time when population is growing the concept of optimum population is applied to determine the existing relationship between population and resources
- As the population grows, the relationship between population and resources indicates under population at the beginning and then optimum population and then after over population
- Malthusian theory discusses the population problems from the demand point of view while the optimum population theory from the supply point of view
- Malthusian theory indicates a maximum number of population for a country sustainable by available food supply which if exceeded leads to misery, starvation, poverty and death whereas the optimal population theory does not believe in such a rigid or fixed maximum. It is flexible approach.
- Malthusian theory focussed attention only on land and food production as a factor hindering population growth whereas optimum population theory considers all the resources and all types of production
- Malthusian theory has only a note of warning to LDCs which are constrained by low food supply, while the optimum population theory shows them a ray of hope that efficient resource utilization will fight poverty despite the size of the population
- Malthusian theory is pessimistic as it forecast a gloomy future as it predicts starvation, famine. The optimum population theory assures than an increase in population by itself is not bad if resources can be better exploited.
- Malthus was worried about the dangers of overpopulation only, he ignored the problems of under population. Not only per capita output but the economic development is bound to be slow due to shortage of labour.
TAGS Dr. Bbosa Science